Christopher Crofton-Atkins Recent Works

Sailing to Eleuthera by Christopher Crofton-Atkins

 "Sailing to Eleuthera"
16 X 20 oil on oanvas

Cherry_Creek_Newport_RI by Christopher Crofton-Atkins

Cherry Creek” - Newport, RI
14 x 24 Oil on Canvas


You have to go away to come back again. Oil Paining by Christopher Crofton-Atkins

“You have to go away to come back again.”
14 x 24 Oil on Canvas

Water Taxi to Eleuthera by Christopher Crofton-Atkins

Water Taxi to Eleuthera”
11” x 14” Oil on Canvas

Overlooking the Grand Canal and the Basilica de Santa Maria de la Salute - Venice. Oil painting by Christopher Crofton-Atkins

Overlooking the Grand Canal and the Basilica de Santa Maria de la Salute - Venice.”
16” x 20” Oil on Canvas

Looking in all the wrong places. Oil painting by Christopher Crofton-Atkins

Looking in all the wrong places.”
9” x 12” Oil on Canvas

Outward Bound by Christopher Crofton-Atkins

“Outward Bound”
16” x 20” Oil on Canvas

The Waterfront on Harbour Island

“The Waterfront on Harbour Island”
18” x 24” Oil on Canvas

Lisa’s Place” on Fishers Island, NY by Christopher Crofton-Atkins

“Lisa’s Place” on Fishers Island, NY”
18” x 24” Oil on Canvas

Annabel’s Beach 2019 by Christopher Crofton-Atkins

“Annabel’s Beach”
18” x 24” Oil on Canvas

The Beach Behind La Torre by Christopher Crofton-Atkins

"The Beach Behind La Torre in Positano bay,
on the Amalfi coast"

12” X 16” Oil on Canvas

Sand Castles Oil Painting by Christopher Crofton-Atkins

"Sand Castles"
18" x 20" Oil on Canvas

The Beach at Akumal by Christopher Crofton-Atkins

"The Beach at Akumal"
18" x 20" Oil on Canvas

Bonefishing painting by Christopher Crofton-Atkins (thumbnail)

18" x 20" Oil on Canvas

Home to Eleuthera painting by Christopher Crofton-Atkins (thumbnail)

"Home to Eleuthera"
18" x 20" Oil on Canvas

Stalking Bonefish painting by Christopher Crofton-Atkins (thumbnail)

"Stalking Bonefish’’
16" X 24" Oil on Canvas


Marty with a Customer painting by Christopher Crofton-Atkins (thumbnail)

"Marty with a Customer"
18" x 24" Oil on Canvas and Framed


The Landing, Harbour Island painting by Christopher Crofton-Atkins (thumbnail)

"The Landing, Harbour Island"
9" x 12" Oil on Canvas

Marty on Pink Sand Beach painting by Christopher Crofton-Atikins (thumbnail)

"Marty on Pink Sand Beach"
18" x 24" Oil on Canvas

Alexandra's Beach - Amalfi Coast painting by Christopher Crofton-Atkins (thumbnail)

"Alexandra’s Beach" - Amalfi Coast"
16" x 20" Oil on Canvas

Down to the Beach at Coral Sands painting by Christopher Crofton-Atkins (thumbnail)

"Down to the Beach at Coral Sands"
Harbour Island, Bahamas
11" x 14" oil on canvas

Forty Feet Ahead Sir! - Oil Painting by Christopher Crofton-Atkins (thumbnail)

"Forty Feet Ahead, Sir!"
Oil on canvas board, 16" X 20"